I’d like to perform on the Market Square Boardwalk, how do I submit my name for this?
The boardwalk area is currently under reconstruction, and no stage is present.
Music performances prioritize live, local, original music, feature on two stages: Boardwalk stage (outdoor, covered, waterfront) and Atrium stage (inside, park-like town square) and occur throughout the year. There is a concentration of entertainment during the summer months, but the centre features events year-round. Other medium at encouraged to participate as artisans and vendors in various festivities throughout the year. For more information on upcoming events, please visit the Market Square Events Calendar
Submissions are accepted via email or hard copy, and should include:
- recent recording or sample of art for review
- live performance recording when possible
- email address
- availability for submission year
- list of other venues/projects and/or reference
- links to website, social media etc. when possible
- membership to music organizations (local 815, Music NB, ECMA, etc.)
In the subject line, musicians should include Music Submission and Year of Submission; artisans/vendors should include Artisan/Vendor Submission and Year of Submission.
Once your submission is received via email, you will receive an auto-reply to confirm receipt. Only those applicants for whom we have an opening for this upcoming season will be further contacted.
Please send all submission to submissions@marketsquaresj.com